Team Extreme!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition
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Hello! We are the Extreme Recruitment team at FACC, helping to raise money on Give STL Day!


raised by 9 people

$500 goal

Extreme Recruitment® works diligently to find permanency for children labeled hardest to place by using 12-20 weeks of intensive recruitment efforts and permanency preparation. Children labeled hardest to place are often older youth, sibling groups or children with unique physical or mental needs.

Employing a diverse array of recruitment methods, including internet searches, court databases, social media, and good old-fashioned detective work, Extreme Recruitment® works tirelessly to match children with prospective caregivers. We reach a national audience, utilizing different adoption platforms to connect children with those who can provide them with a loving and nurturing home.

In the lead-up to permanency, we ensure that prospective caregivers are fully supported for a smooth transition. Our team of specialists conducts assessments for the child(ren), addressing areas like mental wellness, physical health, relationships, and education. Simultaneously, we reconnect children with relatives, organizing fun excursions and facilitating phone calls to strengthen these crucial connections.

This fundraiser supports

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Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition

Organized By Maddie Bobbitt

Giving Activity


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