Rachel's Slumber Pawty Fundraiser for GPG

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Gateway Pet Guardians
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Please help me reach a $1,000 goal to support pets like Thriller, Vincent, and friends at GPG!


raised by 4 people

$1,000 goal




This will be my second time participating in a Slumber Pawty at Gateway Pet Guardians' Pet Resource Center in East St. Louis on April 6th! Shelter staff, volunteers, and I are making an effort to raise money and awareness for the many dogs and cats Gateway saves each year. This is one of the causes I truly support. As a nonprofit shelter located in a resource desert, GPG not only cares for strays, but also provides low cost clinics and essential pet supplies for the community. We have built positive partnerships with other shelters to keep as many pets as possible off of the streets. I’m asking for your help in reaching my $1,000 before noon on April 7th. Donations are accepted through April 10th. Several supporters, including Metro East Industries, will increase the impact of your gift by matching up to $15,000! Every dollar counts, so don’t feel obligated to donate large amounts of money. Your gratitude is truly appreciated.

I will be showing my appreciation for your support by sending a thank you with a paw print and photo of a current shelter pet of your choice!

This fundraiser supports

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Gateway Pet Guardians

Organized By Rachel Hopper

Giving Activity


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