Max & Wes for Cornerstone

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cornerstone Center for Early Learning
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Please help families access early education, reach their full potential, and build a brighter future


raised by 3 people

$250 goal

Cornerstone provides economically vulnerable children and their families with an award-winning early childhood education program including wraparound services for the entire family. Developmental and behavioral therapies, diapers and wipes, and meals, and more are available to every Cornerstone child at no additional cost. While children safely attend Cornerstone, their families are able to focus on employment and higher education opportunities, so that they can improve the standard of living for their entire family.

In St. Louis City, where 78.3% of families have all parents in the workforce, accredited programs like Cornerstone only have capacity to serve 15.2% of children. Recognizing this gap, Cornerstone prioritizes enrollment for children in foster care as well as those whose families otherwise might not be able to afford quality care. More than half of Cornerstone children come from households eligible to receive childcare assistance, paying $25 or less per week. Nearly 90% score on-target or better on nationally-normed developmental screenings.

Please donate to help families access early education so that children can reach their full potential and build a brighter future for St. Louis!

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