Maeve’s Shelter Slumber Pawty Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Five Acres Animal Shelter
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My name is Maeve and I invite you to please join me in supporting Five Acres!


raised by 26 people

$1,000 goal

Update #1

Update posted 1 month ago

Make a donation of ANY SIZE directly to my personal Shelter Slumber Pawty fundraising page for Five Acres Animal Shelter by April 6 to be entered to win a $50 Starbucks gift card (drawing April 7)! Five Acres is more than a rescue. They are committed to helping end pet homelessness, by investing in community programs to keep people and their pets together. When that isn't possible, they care for animals as the largest no-kill shelter in my county with a save rate of 98.6% and adopting out over 2,000 animals per year. Your support helps them to deliver on their mission.

Channel your passion for animals and please join me by making a gift meaningful to you! 

Thank you! 


My name is Maeve and I’m your International United Miss Missouri Jr. Teen. Through my Passionate Philanthropy platform, I'm transforming the way the world thinks about philanthropy, showing people they can align their hobbies, skills and interests with service to make a positive impact just by doing what they love! I educate and guide others on how to find and live their Passionate Philanthropy. I also model the way by serving in the areas of my passions, which definitely includes animals and Five Acres! I’ve led donation and towel drives for Five Acres for seven years and am honored to participate in Five Acres Slumber Paw-Ty to fundraise toward the amazing care and shelter they provide animals in crisis. Are you passionate about animals? Channel your Passionate Philanthropy and please join me in donating an amount meaningful to you!

This fundraiser supports

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Five Acres Animal Shelter

Organized By Maeve McCune

Giving Activity


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