Kayleigh’s GPG Fundraiser!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Gateway Pet Guardians
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You all can help me hit my goal of $1,000 to support the dogs and cats at Gateway Pet Guardians!


raised by 26 people

$1,500 goal




Join me as I spend 24 hours in a kennel at Gateway Pet Guardians' on April 6th! A group of us are spending the night in hopes to raise money and awareness for the many dogs and cats Gateway saves each year. I need your help in raising $1,000 before noon on April 7th. Several supporters, including Metro East Industries, will increase the impact of your gift by matching up to $15,000!

I do this fundraiser every year for dogs like Calla (now Lucy). When I found Lucy in East St. Louis, she was severely emaciated, covered in bite wounds, had an infection in her leg….and deaf! I reached out to Gateway and they jumped into action. They had me sign up to foster, they got her into the vet, and got her comfy at my house while she healed. They covered all of her vet care without hesitation, because that’s what they do, help animals. 

Lucy’s glow up was incredible to watch over the couple of months we had her. We found out she was good with other dogs and ADORED kids. She was adopted by the most amazing family ever and has been with them ever since living her BEST LIFE. (As you can see in the photo above) 

I know you see alot of fundraisers on Facebook, but if you’re going to donate to any, this is the one to choose. Gateway does so much for the communities they service and the animals they help. 

Any donation amount helps! And if you can’t donate, share this post! It helps spread the word about this amazing organization! 

This fundraiser supports

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Gateway Pet Guardians

Organized By Kayleigh Bequette

Giving Activity


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