Grace & Peace Fellowship

A nonprofit organization

$100 raised by 1 donor

2% complete

$5,000 Goal

Since our beginning in St. Louis City in 1969, we have been not only working hard to share Christ's love with our neighbors near and far, but also tangibly sharing His love through providing shelter for homeless women and food for those who are hungry. We have had our Shelter and food ministries for more than three decades and each year we help people see their own dignity as people created in God's image by loving them personally, helping them get through cold winters and tough times, and assisting with housing searches and other problem-solving. We provide hope through loving, reliable, person-to-person communication and filling basic needs.


We are a community of Christians gathered by the Holy Spirit and directed by God’s Word. We desire to glorify God in public and private worship characterized by repentance, joy, and beauty. We learn daily, in dependence on the finished work of Christ, to accept mercy and be merciful, as our primary path to the holiness and love that is of the Holy Spirit. We seek to serve our Father in acts of kindness, justice, and goodness to our families, brothers and sisters, and neighbors. We aspire to spread the word of God’s Kingdom of holiness, mercy, and justice through education and evangelism.

Organization Data


Organization name

Grace & Peace Fellowship

Tax id (EIN)



Housing, Shelter, Homelessness, Religion, Other

Operating Budget

Small: $250,001 - $1,000,000

Service Area

St Louis City

Audiences Served

Older Adults, Women


5574 Delmar Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63112

